The Simple Things

Just once, I'd love to see the world through my

son's eyes... What does he see? What does he hear? Think about? Dream about? What are his worries? Does he have any for that matter? I can imagine that if I DID see the world through his eyes I would see the leaves on the trees rather than just the tree... I would see the bee on the flower, rather than just the flower... I would actually HEAR the music playing, rather than tuning it out.
He's already growing up...learning new things...experiencing new things (PB & J!)...saying new words... All right before my eyes. I can only hope that I will remember to take the time to look, listen, feel, hear and just ABSORB the world around me. So, that the next time I'm in my own world and he says, excitedly - AIRMANE!!! (translation - airplane...) and points to the sky, I will know immediately what he's saying rather than trying to clue in to it and having my ears "finally work". The first time that happened, I actually thought to myself - I didn't even HEAR that airplane... Why? Well, I suppose it's cause I'm not a kid anymore. Though I try hard to be... :-)
Have fun this holiday careful...and absorb your children. They'll be grown before you know it.
**To see my friend's blog on childhood innocence, visit:
I loved Tiffani's blog on this subject. And yours too!!
Aren't we blessed with such gorgeous children!! I want to start appreciating and enjoying mine more.
Thanks dale ann! Yes - we are blessed! we just have to remind ourselves that when they are whining constantly and knocking on bathroom doors!! :-)
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