Move over Cinderella!!

So, little Bella here was at a great age - 6 months. Just about sitting up by herself. And, cute as a button. I absolutely LOVED this session. I had such great surroundings that my creative juices were just a-flowin'!!
Like I do with most clients, I helped mom pick out a few things for little miss Bella to wear and when I saw this tutu, I said - we have GOT to get a picture in that. Mom had purchased it for her first birthday, so it was a little big, but I LOVE that it covers her whole bottom half! And, to explain the title - that's what her cute shirt said!! Move over Cinderella, is right!!
Next post - I promise - will be the new contest....stay tuned!!

thats my niece and she is so cute, you did a really good job!!!
OH MY girlfriend...I am sooo lovin these! Love that couch & wall together...WAY cool!!! She's sooo dang cute!!!!!
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