Well, I thought my "bad luck" with photographing pregnant women in the freezing cold was over. It has been a while since my poor pregnant moms have had to endure goose bumps and cold winds! But, alas, my last pregnant woman was not so lucky! It was freezing out in our session. OK...well, not FREEZING... But, it was cold, that's for sure! She sure was a trooper, though. And, as we were walking back to our cars from the beach she says "oh no! my hands are blue!" Yep, they sure were. And, as I was proofing her session I came to see her belly was, too! Thank goodness that little baby is all cozy, just hanging out in 98 degree water while mom freezes her tush off!
Enough talk! Here are some pics of this beautiful mommy-to-be.

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